My Alien Encounter

I will describe to you a weird experience I had several years ago while driving down Route 375 in Nevada. This road is commonly known as the Extraterrestrial Highway because of alien sightings.
I was driving down a long, straight stretch of the road, when I saw a DeLorean in my rear view mirror. The car was clearly trying to pass. I slowed down, and the car pulled up alongside me. I could hear bad eighties songs emanating from the vehicle. Suddenly, the door opened and a small, grayish man with a square head popped out of the car. The man approached me, and plainly said "Call home."
"Here, you can use my phone," I replied.
It was a brand-new Windows phone.
The gray man looked at the phone and said, "This no is phone. This is brick of crap."
Slightly offended, I replied "But it has Cortana!"
The gray man seemed furious. He said one final cryptic message:
"Cortana dumb. Siri smart. Hal smartest."
The man got back in the car and sped off, never to be seen again.